Wednesday, December 6, 2017

SLT Biennial Review Survey

This is an opportunity to rate the effectiveness of your School Leadership Team as a member. Please be truthful as most SLTs are not functioning, usurping the lawful responsibilities of parents and teachers to collaboratively create the Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) and align the school budget. This information is compiled for the State. James Calantjis Biennial Review Survey: School Leadership Team Members to Provide Feedback School Type: Elementary, middle, and high schools Deadline: December 22 Workflow Subcategory: Family/Community Engagement In accordance with the New York State Education Commissioner’s Regulation 100.11 (CR-100.11), the Biennial Review is a required evaluation of the district-level plan for participation of parents, teachers, and administrators in school-based planning and shared decision-making. The Biennial Review Survey assesses the overall effectiveness of each district’s plan to engage constituents as per the required components of CR-100.11, and addresses potential successes and obstacles in the school and district’s use of the plan. The results of the review are used by the District Leadership Team (DLT) to help determine the effectiveness of each district’s plan for shared decision-making at the school level. On November 27, each member of your School Leadership Team (SLT) should have received an email from with an invitation to provide feedback on the Biennial Review Survey (available in all ten DOE languages). SLT members should complete the survey by December 22. Survey participants will be asked to evaluate their experience on the SLT across six required components. In the event that an SLT member does not have access to the online survey, SLT chairpersons and or principals should provide access to a computer to ensure that all members can complete the survey. Biennial Review Survey: School Leadership Team Members to Provide Feedback School Type: Elementary, middle, and high schools Deadline: December 22 Workflow Subcategory: Family/Community Engagement

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