Monday, November 2, 2015

DOE information regarding current Comprehensive Educational Plans (2015-2016)

Please note that SLTs should be working on creating the CEPs for the 2016-2017 school year by doing needs assessments and setting yearly goals and action plans. In the Spring, the budgets should be aligned with the CEPs. Regards, James Calantjis Address Remaining Feedback and Prepare Your School/Comprehensive Educational Plan (S/CEP) for Posting on Your School’s Website All schools / Deadline: October 30; Event: November 20 As noted in the October 20 edition of Principals’ Weekly, if you have not already done so, you should review and address any remaining reviewer feedback for your School/Comprehensive Educational Plan (S/CEP) by October 30 so that your superintendent can approve your final plan. For Struggling or Persistently Struggling schools that are in receivership, note that this includes Community Engagement Team recommendations and feedback from your public hearing, where applicable. In order to address reviewer feedback, you should update your plan using the online document editor in the iPlan portal. Once you have updated your plan, you should prepare it for posting on your school’s website following these steps (click here for additional guidance): § Click “save” to save your plan so that members of your school community who you have provisioned as designees can view updates. § Click “create new version” to back up the plan in the iPlan portal. § Click “update for review” so that your updated plan can be viewed by your superintendent. Please note that the original deadline for your superintendent to approve your final S/CEP has been extended to November 13 (from October 30); you will receive an email from iPlan support once your final plan has been approved. Note that your final S/CEP will be combined with your school’s Title III application (if applicable), Language Allocation Policy (LAP), and Language Translation and Interpretation Form (LTI) before it is posted on your school’s public website beginning on November 20 (extended from November 13). For more information on provisioning designee(s) at your school via the iPlan portal, click here. For technical assistance with iPlan, email For other questions, contact the School/District Improvement Liaison (SDIL) for your district. Go back to the top Ensure Teacher Leaders are Staffed in Gal