Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Finalizing the 2017-2018 CEP

Revise and Finalize your S/CEP: You should complete your revisions and finalize your S/CEP in accordance with the key dates in this revised Guide for Developing Your School/Comprehensive Educational Plan Using iPlan (slide 3). You should use the online document editor in the iPlan Portal to revise your S/CEP and other planning documents based on your school’s current data and feedback by October 20 (extended from September 22). If your school is in receivership you should update your plan to include Community Engagement Team recommendations and feedback from the public hearing for Struggling and Persistently Struggling schools after your school’s public hearing (scheduled for late September and the first week of October). Once you have updated your plan, see here (slide 17) for additional guidance and follow these steps: Click “save” so that members of your school community, who you have provisioned as designees, can view updates; Click “create new version” to back up the plan in the iPlan Portal; and Click “share for review” so that your updated plan can be viewed by your superintendent. Automatic Selection of “Share for Review” in iPlan: On October 21, iPlan will automatically select citywide “Share for Review,” to ensure that your superintendent can access the latest version of your school’s plan. Once the superintendent approves your plan by November 3 (extended from September 29), you will receive an automatic notification from iPlan indicating that your S/CEP has been approved. 2017–18 SLT Signature Page: After receiving approval notification, upload a scanned copy of your original signed 2017–18 SLT Signature Page using the link located on your school’s home page in the iPlan Portal by November 3 (extended from October 15). See here (slides 22–29) for guidance on attesting and uploading your SLT Signature Documents. Posting to Your School Website and the Public-Facing Page: Your approved 2017–18 S/CEPs will be combined with your school’s approved Title III applications (if applicable), Language Allocation Policy (LAP), and Language Translation and Interpretation Form (LTI), and posted to your school website and the public-facing page on the iPlan Portal beginning November 6 (extended from October 1). For questions regarding S/CEP development, contact the School/District Improvement Liaison (SDIL) associated with your superintendent. For technical assistance with iPlan, email

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