Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Strengthening SLT State Education Law

On February 6th, Jacob Morris and myself testified before Assembly Education Chair, Cathy Nolan's, School Governance Committee. It was almost nine hours (7PM)before we were able to speak. The primary issue of her committee was whether Mayoral Control should be renewed in June, and if so, in what form. Most speakers favored Mayoral Control with more authority given to the PEP,CEC's and SLT's.We focused on the need to strengthen SLT's by rewriting the language in the law (2590-h-15 and 2590-r), removing any ambiguities. We emphasized the need to restore budget development responsibilities to the SLT's which had always been the intent of the law, but not clearly stated. The language we propose would also clarify that the budget is aligned with the CEP and not the other way around. School Leadership Team legislation is also up for renewal in June.

On February 18th, Jacob and I visited State Senator Suzi Oppenheimer, at her Port Chester office. She is the new chair of the State Senate Education Committee. It was a very pleasant visit as we again spoke about the need to strengthen SLT legislation to empower parents and teachers in local school governance.Her legislative aide suggested we find a State Senator in NYC to sponsor the legislation change.

I would appreciate opportunities to speak with NYC Assembly Persons and State Senators concerning sponsoring SLT legislation changes. If you have a good rapport with any and can set up an appointment, please contact me. In addition, I would like to meet with Cathy Nolan with a small group of parents if that can be arranged.

James Calantjis
SLT Empowerment Alliance
718 458-4237
646 541-5082

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