Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Renewing School Leadership Team Legislation for 2009

School Leadership Team legislation is up for renewal by the State Legislature in June 2009. We have an opportunity to strengthen the wording of the legislation to remove any ambiguity and to fulfill the intention of the law for true shared decision making in the creation of the school's Comprehensive Educational Plan and in deciding how school monies are spent.

We need to begin to contact our State Assembly Persons and State Senators, particularly Cathy Nolan (Assembly Education Committee Chair - and Steve Saland ( State Senate Education Committee Chair concerning this issue.

I am available to assist you in meeting with your representatives.

The Chancellor's Plan for School Leadership Teams (Green Book) which was mandated by 2590-h(15) of State Education Law, stated that the core responsibilities of SLT's were, "the creation of the school's Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP), including annual goals and objectives, and the development of a school-based budget and staffing plan aligned with the CEP" (pgs. 14, 15).

Chancellor's Regulation B-801 (still in effect) which is mandated by State Education law 2590-r (School Based Budgeting) states, the SLT "shall develop and prepare the school budget request, including new budget priorities relating to student achievement, in accordance and consistent with procedures set forth in the Chancellor's Plan on School Leadership Teams".

The NYCDOE has tried to take away the responsibility of the SLT to develop the school budget and align it with the CEP.

Therefore, I propose the following language be added to certain clauses of State Law to remove any ambiguity concerning the role of SLT's to develop the CEP and budget.

2590-h (15)(b1-i) currently states under "powers and duties" of SLT's: to "develop an annual school comprehensive educational plan that is aligned with the school based budget".

Proposed Change: to "develop an annual school comprehensive educational plan (CEP),including annual goals and objectives, and to develop a school based budget and staffing plan aligned with the CEP".

2590-r(n) (School Based Budgeting) currently states there will be, "a collaborative school based planning process involving parents, teachers, and other school personnel and, where appropriate, students to effectuate the purposes of this section".

Proposed Change: " a collaborative shared decision making process involving parents, teachers, principals, other school personnel and, where appropriate, students to develop the school based budget and to align it with the Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP)".

2590-r(k) states: "the provision of appropriate technical support and training to school personnel, parents and other participants in school based budgeting".

Proposed Change: "the provision of appropriate technical support and training to school personnel,parents and other School Leadership Team participants for developing the school based budget, including access to and training in the use of the school's Galaxy Budgeting System"(NYC).

We have an opportunity to influence legislation that will strengthen SLT's in June 2009.

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