Saturday, December 12, 2009

Summary of Changes to B-801 (School Based Budgeting)

Principals must consult with their SLT in developing the budget. The SLT must align the budget with the CEP. SLTs can request training and technical support for its budget responsibilities.

This regulation updates and supersedes Chancellor’s Regulation B-801 dated June 14, 1999.
Reflects structural changes implemented following 2002 and 2009 amendments to the Education Law.
Eliminates those sections of the previous version of B-801 dealing with the budget request process and the process of approving the overall Department budget pursuant to Education Law § 2590-q.
Eliminates deadline for issuance of proposed allocation formulas to CECs and superintendents in order to maximize the time for the formulas to be finalized prior to their release (page 1, § I.A).
Creates process by which school principals, school leadership teams ("SLTs"), and community superintendents ensure that a school’s budget is aligned with its Comprehensive Education Plan ("CEP") in compliance with the requirements imposed by the 2009 amendment to the Education Law.
The revised process begins after the Mayor’s Executive Budget ("MEB") is released. The preliminary total budget set forth in the MEB is allocated among individual schools based on the allocation formulas (pages 1-2, § I.B).
The principal of each school, in consultation with the school’s SLT and school community, creates a school-based budget detailing how the school plans to spend its allocated funds (page 2, § II.A).
Principals also create a written justification demonstrating that the school-based budget is aligned with the school’s CEP. If the other members of the SLT reach a consensus that the budget is not aligned with the CEP, the SLT may submit a rebuttal. The justification and rebuttal (if any) are then given to the community superintendent. The superintendent can either approve the school-based budget, or order it to be modified to bring them into alignment with the CEP (page 3, § II.A).
The school-based budgets are then aggregated at the district level and approved by the Chancellor. The aggregated budgets and the Department’s administrative budget are then submitted to the Panel for Educational Policy for its approval (pages 3-4, § II.B).
Streamlines process by which principals and superintendents comment on proposed changes to the capital plan (page 4, § II.C). Previously, each superintendent was required to submit an annual capital needs assessment to the Chancellor. Under the revised regulation, the School Construction Authority does the initial work of drafting the proposed changes, and principals and community superintendents are invited to submit comments.
Clarifies data to be included in Financial Status Reports and School and District-based Reports (pages 4-5, §§ III.A, III.B). The previous regulation included references to categories of information that were overlapping or unclear. The new regulation clarifies these requirements.

When reasonably requested, the Chancellor or his/her designee shall provide training and technical support to SLT members or members of the school community in order to support their participation in the school-based budget development process.

Summary of proposed changes to A-655 Regulation on School Leadership Teams

This is a summary of the new A-655 Chancellor's Regulation for School Leadership Teams. It incorporates changes in the recent School Governance Law. One area of contention is in the clause that the principal makes the final determination on the CEP if consensus can not be reached after appropriate intervention. This appears to conflict with the law (2590-h(15))as the principal is a SLT member, and therefore should not have final determination.Comment period is until January 25th. Comments can be sent to

This regulation supersedes Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 dated December 3, 2007.

The SLT is responsible for developing the school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) and ensuring that it is aligned with the school-based budget. (Page 1, Section II.)
SLTs must use a consensus-based decision-making process as their primary means of decision-making. (Page 7, Section VIII.)
The principal is responsible for developing the school-based budget, after consulting with the SLT, and ensuring that it is aligned with the CEP. (Page 1, Section II.A.)
To ensure the alignment of the CEP and the school-based budget, the principal shall provide to the SLT appropriate reports from Galaxy. (Page 1, Section II.A.)
The principal determines that the school-based budget is aligned with the CEP and sends justification to the superintendent. (Page I, Section II.A.)
SLT members, other than the principal, may provide a response to the justification if they reach a consensus that they disagree with the principal’s justification that the school-based budget is aligned with the CEP, and that the principal’s proposed budget is inconsistent with the goals and policies set forth in the CEP. The superintendent must then make a determination. (Page 1, Section II.A.)
If the SLT cannot reach agreement on the CEP, it should seek assistance from the District Leadership Team (DLT) or the community or high school superintendent. If no agreement can be reached following assistance, then the principal makes the final determination on the CEP. (Page 1, Section II; also Page 7, Section VIII.)
Support is provided to SLTs and DLTs by parent engagement staff or superintendents. (Page 1, Section II; also Page 7, Section VIII.)
SLT meetings, which must take place at least once a month during the school year, must take place on school or DOE premises. (Page 7, Section VII.)
Notice of SLT meetings must be provided in a form consistent with the open meetings law. (Page 7, Section VII.)
The SLT must be consulted prior to the appointment of a principal or assistant principal candidate to the school. (Page 7, Section X.)
The SLT shall provide to the superintendent an annual assessment of the principal’s record of developing an effective shared decision-making relationship with SLT members. (Page 2, Section II.B.)
Parent members of the CEC (and in an election year, candidates for the CEC) may serve as parent members of an SLT in the school their child attends. (Page 3, Section III.C.b.1.)

The SLT may amend its by-laws, if necessary. (Page 4, Section IV.B.)
The superintendent (or designee) will consult with the SLT regarding any school restructuring plans. The SLT shall participate in the joint public hearing regarding proposals to close a school or make significant changes in school utilization. (Pages 7-8, Section X.B.)
The DLT develops the District Comprehensive Educational Plan (DCEP), which includes annual goals and objectives for the district aligned with the Chancellor’s goals. (Pages 5-6, Section V.A.)
The Central Plan for school-based planning and shared decision making incorporates the individual district 100.11 plans adopted by the DLTs as well as the procedures set forth in this Regulation. The Office of School Improvement is responsible for maintaining copies of each district’s plan and for compiling them into the Central Plan. (Pages 5-6, Section V.A.)
A citywide high school subcommittee will be formed to meet on a monthly basis to review relevant data and identify issues impacting student performance at the high school level and will report on a monthly basis to the DLTs. (Page 6, Section V.C.)
Each SLT must provide a list of its members and a copy of its current by-laws to the DLT annually, by October 31. (Page 9, Section XII.)
Each DLT must provide a list of all SLT member names from the schools in the district and a list of its own members and by-laws to the Chief Family Engagement Officer annually, by November 15. (Page 9, Section XII.)
Parents may file grievances regarding the election of parents to serve on the SLT in the school their child attends within 7 school days of the election. (Page 9, Section XIV.B.)
Parents may appeal grievance decisions to the Chancellor (c/o The Office of Legal Services) within 10 days of receipt of the superintendent’s decision. (Page 9, Section XIV.C
) school based management teams developed pursuant to paragraph 26 (b) of this subdivision shall possess the following powers and duties: 27 (i) develop an annual school comprehensive educational plan [that is 28 aligned with] AND CONSULT ON THE SCHOOL-BASED BUDGET PURSUANT TO SECTION 29 TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-R OF THIS ARTICLE. SUCH SCHOOL COMPREHENSIVE 30 EDUCATIONAL PLAN SHALL BE DEVELOPED CONCURRENTLY WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF 31 THE SCHOOL-BASED BUDGET SO THAT IT MAY INFORM THE DECISION-MAKING PROC- 32 ESS AND RESULT IN THE ALIGNMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATIONAL PLAN 33 AND the [school based] SCHOOL-BASED budget FOR THE ENSUING SCHOOL YEAR.