Monday, November 17, 2014

2014-2015 CEP Draft Plan

Prepare Draft School/Comprehensive Educational Plan (S/CEP) All schools / Deadlines: December 12; January 30 You will receive an email on November 13 from iPlan with a link for downloading your customized School/Comprehensive Educational Plan (S/CEP) template for the 2014–15 school year. The template has been aligned with your school’s New York State Accountability status. It has also been revised for this school year so that your School Leadership Team (SLT) can align your school’s goals for school improvement with the six elements of the Capacity Framework. Once you receive the email from iPlan, you should: § Download your customized template and accompanying guidance, which will be provided in the email. § Work with your SLT to prioritize the completion of your school’s draft plan during the months of November and December. § Submit your draft plan for network and central review by December 12 via the iPlan portal; more information on accessing the iPlan portal and uploading your plan will be shared in an upcoming edition of Principals’ Weekly. As a new step this year, the NYCDOE will post your draft plan on your school’s NYCDOE website on December 19. Because your draft plan will be displayed publicly, you should work with your network to ensure that your draft contains proper grammar, formatting, and use of acronyms before you submit it to the iPlan portal. Network and/or central NYCDOE staff will review your school’s draft plan and provide feedback by January 16. You should work with your network to incorporate feedback and submit your revised plan for your superintendent’s approval via the iPlan portal by January 30. Following approval, your school’s finalized S/CEP will be uploaded to your school’s NYCDOE website. Additional information about the S/CEP process will be shared in upcoming editions of Principals’ Weekly. For questions regarding developing your S/CEP, contact your network accountability/CEP points. For technical assistance with iPlan, contact